The Day at the Hospital BY JOEY

It was the first time Jimmy ever went to the hospital. They were going to x-ray Jimmy’s leg because he fell on his yellow roller skates. The nurse said, “We’re going to x-ray your leg now.” Jimmy was really nervous. The x-ray swam through his leg and when he got the news he was sad. They said that your tiny leg is broken. Jimmy said, “ok I guess I will go on home now.” This was really sad because he had a big game in b-ball coming up. It was the championship but we did end up wining the game.

the bad day

The pool is open. ”Hold on there Noah.”  Said mom. ”what is it mom.” I said with a moan. ”You have to get your basing suit on first.” okay.  Two minute later. Ready to go to the pool. Go get your  yellow roller skates  on.  They to not fit they are to tiny. Okay. we will walk to the pool. ”Mom why is the pool yellow” said Noah. ”Well some kids  swam in it and peed” said mom frustrated.  ”Well I am going in it weather  you like it or not” Noah said. Bonk wewoowewooo get him to  the Hospital.

What Do We Do?

“What should we do today”. I said. “Go roller skating”. My sister said. It was 78 outside and sunny. I didn’t even have roller skates. I have been wanting roller skates with a tiny bit of blue and yellow on them. I swam the other day and it was not fun because I saw someone get hurt. And every one was screaming HOSPITAL! And it was very scary. “Lets go outside”. Said my sister. So we ran outside and got on my bike it was pink and gray.  I was getting bored so I went inside. And drunk some ice water.

The dog cone

Landon was getting his yellow roller skates when he heard a big thud and splash! When Landon turned around he saw his sister Olive was itching her neck for some reason. She swam to the stairs and said “My neck itches from hitting it on the side of the pool”

“That’s weird” Landon said. Thirty minutes later they were inside the tiny hospital in their town when they heard Olive might be getting a cone? When she was in the hospital bed, Landon asked her mom what was gonna happen? He turned around and saw Olive in a dog cone!

The hospital

One day I was going to a doctors appointment. When we got to the hospital I saw a big yellow car which I thought was weird but nice. When we went into the the hospital I saw a kid with tiny roller skates on a chair. I felt bad for the kid. When I was called in to see the doctor I was a bit nervous but happy at the same time.  When I got home I went to the pool and swam for a little bit. After that I want to take a bath and went to sleep.

The little girl with yellow skates

Once upon a time a little girl was walking with her mom. Then all of a sudden she saw a little girl with yellow roller skates. She said to her mom “Mommy  I want those yellow skates!” Her mom said “Maybe for your birthday honey.” Then they arrived at their house. The little girls mom was cooking dinner when all of a sudden she remembered that in one day it was her birthday! The next morning she went down stairs and saw cake and the yellow roller skates she saw by the hospital! That day she swam in her pool.

The weird day

There is a boy and his name is Jim and he was going on a plane. Then he was done on the plane ride then he went to the hotel. After he asked his mom if he can go roller skating. Then he broke his leg then he had to go to the hospital. After that when he got out of the hospital he swam because he was all  good to go. Then he found a tiny toy on the ground of his hotel. Then he told his mom to go on Facebook so then she can post the picture.

The bad pool! By Carson.

It was a hot day and I was ready to go to the pool, so I could cool down. When I got there the pool was yellow and tiny? I was about to jump in, but I was a boy with roller skates. I did not care, I jumped into the pool anyways. Then I started to swim in the pool. My leg started to hurt! I got out, and it started to hurt more and more. I called 911 and told them the pool was yellow. They rushed me to the hospital to help my leg, and fixed the pool.

what are we doing today?

     “All right what are we doing today. I am so bored,” said Claire while she was hanging upside down. “You could go outside,” said dad. Me and Claire grabbed our roller skates, and we shoved out the door. They where purple with a tiny bit of yellow and pink. We went to our friend’s house across the street. She was getting back from the hospitable because when she swam she scraped her arm, and she had to get a cast. Even though we could not play on roller skates we still had we so much fun playing on her crunches!

the trip to the hospital!

One time I was roller skating in my tiny roller skates. I was new at roller skating so I fell in to the lake. My mom yelled keep swimming honney . As I swam to the shore. My mom called the hospital they came rushing to the lake. I was laying on the sand. When I got up I was in the hospital.  My mom told me what had happen. The doctor told me that I could go home the next day. I was so happy to go home. I thought about what my day and ”it was not that bad”.

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