
Dogs can be annoying in a lot of ways because they whine and are loud. They are also crazy.

My first reason why dogs are annoying is that they are loud. My dog London barks whenever we open any door. Also she runs up to the door and starts barking. Also it is very loud and we have to yell at her to stop. Also we have to hold her back but she still barks. Also when she goes to the front door and sees a dog. 

My second reason dogs are annoying is when they  whine. Dogs whine so much when they have to go to the bathroom. Also she some times comes to get us and whines but some times we say no to her. Also she whines when she sees a deer, cat, fox. Also when she goes to the front door she sees a big or small dog. 

My third reason dogs are annoying is because they are crazy and even bite  some times. Also when London wants to go on a couch or a bed like my brothers or my bed or my mom and dad’s bed and it is very annoying and she whines too much when she wants to go on a bed. London is a rough  dog with her toys and when we get her new toys. Also when we get her a new treat she just gobbles them up and she goes all around the house with her treats but it starts to get a super big mess . Also she finishes  her treat bag right away she is also a big monster about her treats. Also she finishes  her treat bag right away she is also a big monster about her treats.

I realize my dog is annoying in a lot of ways but we still love her. London is a very good dog and she is also very crazy but we still think London is  a super good and fluffy dog.  London is also a very nice and cute.  She is also a very very fun dog to play with.  

London is a very good dog and she is very calm. Also London is loud and obnoxious and, some times are head start to hurt a lot of the time and some times we move  away from her. London is also a super cute dog and we play with her a lot of the time. We also take  her on walks and she is very calm.

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