One day there was a boy and he wanted to go to space. Hes been training for so long he cant wait. His trainer said he was ready to go to space. He got his gear on and went into his rocket ship. It was counting down 3 2 1 blast off. There he went into space the rocket ship was going so fast up and up it went. When he got high enough he could see all of the USA. Later on he was still going up and up. He was looking backwards but when he turned around the light blinded him.
good story great spelling
Nice story, I wonder what blinded him, and it’s surprising that once his trainer said he was ready it seemed like everything was setup, which probably wouldn’t be realistic, but good story still.
what blinded him I liked the cliff hanger, good story Brandon!
I LOVE how it was about space! Though like neil204 I wonder what blinded him.
nice story was the light very close?
if he was in space why was there a random light?