100WC Fast Aligator

I was just taking my usual math class. My teacher was talking too much. All of the sudden, an alligator jumped in from the window! It was sly, mauve, and quick. Nobody saw it, until it bit the teacher! “Help me!” She screamed. The alligator climbed onto the teachers desk. The janitor came in, and grabbed the alligator. It looked really tricky, but he did it. We all got to go home. The bus picked us up. We were driving, and I saw the alligator chasing after us at full speed! “We need to go faster! NOW!!! We must run!”

100 word challenge/week #1/secret scroles

was just taking my bike loop when I saw something new pop up! Two random hands pop up out of the ground. But they are huge and look metal. There was nobody near so I went forward to look and touch it. I touched it and it moved! “AH!!!” I yell. I look at the end of the stick and see a button. I push it and a note comes out. I read the note. It says, hide this note so nobody else sees it ever for eternity. I bike home like flash. But somebody fowls me. “OH NO!!!”=(

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